Two Questions About Health Insurance After You Get A Divorce

Are you currently on your spouse's health insurance plan but going through a divorce? If so, you are likely worried about what will happen with your health insurance. Here are two common questions that you likely have. Are There Special Enrollment Periods After A Divorce? Be aware that getting a divorce will open up a special enrollment period for health insurance, where you have a few options about what you want to do.

Wills: Why You Need To Speak To A Wills Lawyer If You Want Your Document To Be Legally Binding

Putting your will in writing is an essential thing that you should do for your loved ones. It will give them control over your estate when you die or become critically ill. However, crafting it can be emotionally draining because of the legalities involved. If you handle it yourself, you're likely to make errors that could affect the division of your estate. Fortunately, a wills lawyer can traverse this process with you and ensure that your testament meets your desires.

Benefits of Hiring an Attorney When Dealing with Land Use Entitlements

If you plan on building around any area of land, the first thing you'll have to do is get a land use entitlement. It can involve many stages, but you'll have no trouble dealing with them if you get assistance from an attorney who's familiar with real estate and land use law. They'll help with this entitlement process in a couple of ways. Help You Receive the Necessary Permits One of the more important legal processes for choosing an area of land and building a structure on it is receiving permits to do so.

What Should You Do As A Prospective DUI Attorney?

Getting arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) can be a hard road, particularly if you do not have a DUI attorney to help you. After you are arrested, you need an attorney to help you go through the process of dealing with the court. As you search for an attorney, you should keep some questions in mind so you can choose the best person to help you. Here are some sample questions you should consider asking a potential DUI attorney: 

4 Ways Divorce Lawyers Help Separated Couples with Child Custody

Separation following a divorce is difficult enough without the added complication of child custody. When parents split up, they need to decide where their children will live, how much time they will spend with each parent, and how decisions about the children will be made. This is often a daunting task, especially for parents who are already struggling with the emotions of separation. Fortunately, a professional attorney specializing in child custody can help negotiate and make child custody arrangements.

Understanding Each Step In Your Civil Law Case

If this is your first time filing a civil lawsuit, you may find yourself wondering what the next step in the process is. In this article, you can learn more about each step in your civil law case. To learn more about any specific step, be sure to reach out to a civil litigation attorney.  The First Step: Filing A Petition With The Court In order to initiate a civil lawsuit, you will need to file a petition with the court.

Family Law Issues: Situations You Want A Legal Advisor To Help You Navigate

Most disagreements with family members are manageable, and you can solve them yourselves. However, some problems come with high stakes, making solving them challenging without a mediator's intervention. For instance, issues that arise after dissolving a marriage are hard to navigate, making it essential to work with a family law attorney when handling them. Here are situations that you want a legal advisor to help you navigate. Your Partner Has Ignored a Court Order

Child Custody Cases: 3 Serious Errors That Might Get You In Trouble With The Court

Divorce can be quite stressful and emotional, especially if there is a possibility of losing your kid's custody to your partner. Because of that, you could engage in destructive behavior, which could affect your children's well-being. Besides, you may do something that might make the judge negatively perceive your ability to care for the little ones. The best way to steer clear of such costly mistakes is by working alongside a family lawyer.

Are You Seeking Compensation? 3 Ways To Prove Your Car Accident Claim

After a car crash, getting professional medical care should be one of your top priorities. But the treatment cost can be way beyond your reach. Besides, your family's welfare is at stake since you might not make any income during the recovery period.  Luckily, you can receive compensation equivalent to all the damages and injuries sustained in the accident. But compensation is not always guaranteed for accident victims, and many factors determine the outcome.

Do You Know About The Best Interests Of Your Child?

If you are divorcing and have children under the age of 18, you might be confronted with the term "the best interest of the child". This may not seem like a legal term, but it means a lot when you and your spouse are making divorce decisions that can affect your children. To find out more about the meaning of this term, read on. Putting Children First As a parent, you probably often try to do what is best for your child — as most parents do.

3 Reasons to Hire a Criminal Law Attorney

Having felony charges brought against you can change your life drastically. The punishment after conviction will affect your finances and social life. Getting convicted could also lead to jail time, which completely alters the trajectory of your life.  Thus, it is best to engage a criminal attorney immediately after your arrest to formulate a defense plan. Here are the three main reasons why hiring a lawyer is advised. They Minimize the Stress

Know What Is In Store With Your Social Security Claim

If you have been unable to work at your job and are suffering from a medical problem, you may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. Many applicants don't know what to expect when they begin working on their applications. Read below so that you will know what to expect with your Social Security claim for disability benefits. Be Prepared to Wait The Social Security Administration (SSA) was already behind on evaluating applications before the pandemic hit.